Polycystic ovarian disease is a condition in which a woman produces partially mature or immature eggs from ovaries which in turn causes cyst formation in ovaries.
Due to this ovaries produce large amounts of male hormones.
I started my practice in 1996 when I used to see PCOD patients once a year. Now I see one patient with PCOD in my clinic.
The polycystic ovarian disease is characterized by an irregular menstrual cycle, weight gain, hirsutism, and infertility.
This condition can be prevented by the balanced use of MEDS.
Signs and symptoms of PCOD
→ Dysmenorrhea
→ Scanty periods
→ Irregular periods
→ Heavy periods
→ Secondary sexual characters
→ Weight gain
→ Hair loss
→ Excessive hair growth on the body – face, back, belly, chest
→ Acne
→ Skin darkening
In PCOD weight loss, healthy meals, proper sleep, the right mindset, avoiding junk and processed foods, and regular exercise especially Yog abhyas have shown great results.
Being active, limiting carbohydrates, and reducing weight is the KEY to managing PCOD.
Many times PCOD is associated with insulin resistance and pre-diabetic conditions. MEDS would help manage both of them simultaneously